Your Power Behind The Mask Programme

‘Your Power Behind The Mask’ is a programme for people who are facing challenges or feel disconnected, and are ready to make some changes to get their life back on track.


Is this you?

  • You have been knocked by a life event (redundancy, divorce, illness…) and want to get back on track, or find a new way forward.
  • You know you are on the ‘wrong path’, and no longer enjoy your work and / or life. You find yourself feeling more stressed than happy most of the time and have forgotten what ‘fun’ is.
  • You are experiencing the Imposter Syndrome and feel like a fraud. You have worked hard to get to where you are and look ‘successful’, but there is still something missing.
  • You have had a successful career, and have set up your own business, but for some reason you’re not getting the results you want. You have a brand and all the qualifications and experience you need, but for some reason people still aren’t buying? What’s going wrong?
    (NB: This programme doesn’t work on your business – it works on you – but the side effects it has had on previous client’s businesses has been significant).

  • You have a Personal Brand that people love, and on the outside life looks fantastic. However, behind the Mask things aren’t quite as rosy, and you could really do with some support.

Most importantly, you are ready for change, and open to thinking and doing things differently and moving forward.

As we go through life, we learn to create different Masks in order to fit in and gain approval – sometimes we’re not even aware we’re doing it.  It isn’t until we start feeling trapped or stuck that we realise something isn’t right.

Your Power Behind The Mask Programme

This programme is delivered in ten one-to-one sessions
(Face to face or on-line over approximately 4 months), and:

  • Looks at what is and isn’t working in your work and life right now and why
  • Helps you understand what you need in your life to make you happy, so that you can start making conscious choices that are in line with what you value
  • Identifies and helps remove self imposed barriers that you unconsciously put in your own way – it looks at your relationship with yourself and how you help / hinder your own progress.
  • Enables you to set meaningful goals that are in line with your own definition of ‘success’, then create an action plan to achieve them

Our true power lies behind our Mask, and the stories we tell ourselves about work, life, relationships, money, and most importantly about ourselves and what we deserve. This programme is tailored to work on the areas you most want to change.

If you’d like to arrange a ‘Curiosity Chat’ to find out more, & to see whether I can help you, please drop me an email to with ‘Curiosity Chat’ in the title, and I will get in touch with you to arrange a call.

Discover The Power 
Behind Your Mask